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Dr Atif Bashir has a Bachelor of Science Undergraduate degree from University of Strathclyde in Pure Chemistry, a Bachelor of Dental Surgery Degree from the University Glasgow and a Masters of Science in Dental Lasers from University of Genoa. 


Qualifying as a dentist in 2000 with commendation, since then he has trained extensively in the fields of Lasers, Dental implants and tooth alignment and cosmetic dentistry. 


In 2012, he successfully  gained membership into the faculty of Dental Surgeons, at the  worlds oldest and most prestigious Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh.  


Dr Bashir, believes passionately in the use of utilising the the latest dental technology and latest treatment techniques to be able to deliver pain free, fear free life transformational dentistry for the people of Scotland. He has a Fellowship and a Masters degree Dental Lasers from the University of Genoa, Italy, one of the world leading centres for Dental laser training and research.  


Dental lasers are revolutionising the delivery of Dentistry and can be used in many ways to improve the quality and the comfort of dental treatment. The Dr Bashir says, “the use of light laser energy is much kinder, more gentle on the tissues and has very beneficial healing properties.” 


He has travelled far and wide in dedication for his passion of learning the most up to date skills in dental implants, lasers and teeth straightening techniques travelling to Brazil, South Africa, Austria, Germany, Portugal and Italy, and all over the UK for Courses and Conferences on lasers and dental implants. 


Dr Bashir is member of ADI, Association of Dental Implantology and a Trained Neurolinguistic Programming practitioner. Dr Bashir, supports mentoring programmes at Princes Trust, where he Chairs a Leadership group. 


He is the current chairman of the Scottish Dental Practice Owners Group and was listed on the top 50 dentists in Scotland list for 2020. 

For more information or to register with us:

To register, arrange a consultation, or for further information, please contact us on: 

T: 0131 208 2222



or contact our treatment coordinator, Una Moran on 

T: 0131 378 5747


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Monday & Tuesday 9am - 5pm

Wednesday 9am - 6pm

Thursday & Friday 9am - 5pm

Saturdays by arrangement.

Call in and talk to us at:

116 Ocean Drive, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6JG

(next to Ocean Terminal)

© 2021 Vitaliteeth Dental Spa

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